How to use Drop Box Guide

Create an account with Us, it´s very easy ! Just with an email account, create a password, type your name , address and phone number.
After that you will be able to request Laundry, wet clean or ironing services thru our webapp. Create an order, please indicate the Laundry Drop Box ID ex. "CONTENEDOR01".
Please separate your clothes for each service requested Laundry, Wet Cleaning or pressing . Once you create an order you will receive an email with your order number and summary with totals. You must write down that order number with a marker in the garment bags used. Tie your laundry bag(s) very well.
Then drop the bag(s) into our box.
When order is ready you will receive an email with your receipt that will have a "Pagar con tarjeta" and "Pagar con Paypal" links to pay your order with debit or credit card or thru . You can SIGN IN FOR A PAYPAL ACCOUNT HERE. WE DON'T ACCEPT CASH, OUR DRIVERS DON´T RECEIVE ANY MONEY.
After 24 to 48 hrs We will arrange with You the date and time to deliver your clothes to your location.